Saturday, April 21, 2018

Spanish & Music for Sky Students


River and Sky classes have been playing xylophones in music class, which are currently set up with a 6-note scale (CDEFGA). We're learning a number of patterns in major and minor keys that fit with simple songs such as "I've Got a Dog" and the "Round and Round Round." 

First-years have focused on mallet technique and coordination, while second-years have learned to play the "Bird Round" melody on their xylophones, and have started improvising in both C major and D minor. 

We recently voted on our class Springfest song, and results were announced before Spring break! 


A group of students are working on learning the farm animal names, “Animales de la granja.” They are also reviewing the colors in Spanish. Some students write confidently, others copy the words, while others prefer to trace the words artistically. 

Some students can read fluently and others can read supported by images. The materials are designed to help every student feel successful in Spanish. 

Working in a cooperative way promotes the use of the Spanish language in the class.