Monday, November 27, 2017

Thanksgiving Celebrations and Bird Panel

Bird Panel
On Tuesday, Sky Class participated in a bird panel. We were lucky enough to have three bird experts come into Sky Class to share their knowledge of birds and answer our questions to better help us in empathizing with birds so we can build the best bird feeders possible.  Our experts were able to help answer our questions about birds, feeders, and housing. We are so thankful they were able to come into our classroom and share their experiences to help guide our study of NC birds. 

Thanksgiving Celebrations
Sky Class took Monday's math group session to use their math thinking and apply it to cooking! Sky Class baked three different types of bread as a contribution to our LS shared snack for Thanksgiving. We baked banana bread, friendship bread, and a special gluten/ dairy free pumpkin bread! All of Lower School was able to hold Meeting For Worship in the Stone Circle with a bonfire. It was a peaceful way to spend time and give thanks with our CFS community before the holiday break. Some students even applied the sharing of snack in the mud kitchen by creating a Thanksgiving "feast" for teachers. They even made a mud turkey cake!