Friday, January 27, 2017

Spotlight on Specials: PE

Lower School PE classes have been a whirlwind of excited, engaged, and energetic students. They started the year with Dave doing a variety of activities to encourage movement and cooperation. We continue to work on listening and following directions and being able to safely move through personal and general space. Think chase and evade games involving “tails," dodgeballs, and even hula hoops. Throwing and catching, changing direction and striking have all been incorporated into individual and group challenges such as filling buckets, racing around objects and relays. Currently, the LS classes are enjoying some parachute activities like “cat and mouse," sharks and lifeguards, the moving turtle, and chute ball.
Parachute games are not just fun and hilarious for all ages - they build upper body strength and endurance while improving perceptual, cognitive, motor, and social skills. Coming soon….jump rope classes

Climbing Structure by Middle School