Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Peek into Sky Class

Parents and Friends,
Sky Class has been busy this past week attending the Matsiko Choir in the Center building, learning about water in S'math, building bridges in Design and Engineering, and attending their final session of interest group #1! Below are some important dates, a special note from our class parents and pictures from this week.

Important Dates:
October 19- school closed (teacher work day)
October 20 & 21 - school closed for parent/ teacher conferences
October 31- Sky Class Halloween Party (see below for volunteer opportunities)
November 3- picture day

A Note from our Sky Class parents Sadie and Megan:
Hello Sky Class parents!  We wanted to introduce ourselves as your class parents for this school year.  You will likely hear from us several times this year as we organize events in the classroom and for the teachers.  These will include a party coming up for Halloween, as well as one at Valentine's Day.  We also will organize a voluntary end of year class donation.

There are always ways to help out with the in-class parties.  The teachers will be sending out more info. about the Halloween party as the time draws closer, but here are a few details so that you can plan ahead.  The general timeline of the party looks like this:

12:20 Students get dressed in costume (if they choose)
1:00 Parade starts and last 10-15 minutes (parents are welcome to walk in parade as well!)
1:30-1:45 Play done by teachers will start (this is awesome!!)
2:00 Sky class party begins

We will be asking for helpers to bring in snacks, help set up and clean up the day of the party, as well as help get the children ready in costumes and entertain them/read stories while the teachers prep for their *wonderful* play.  If you think you will have time during the afternoon of MONDAY OCTOBER 31st, mark it on your calendar, and stay tuned for details!

Looking forward to sharing this year with you!

Sadie Bauer (Theo's Mom) and Megan Highsmith (Mercer's Mom)

A Look into Sky Class

Constructing the three types of bridges (beam, deep beam, and arch bridges) we learned about to determine which is the strongest. 

Constructing a Beam Bridge
Determining how much weight a tall beam bridge might hold.

Our Star of the Week and his live share.