Friday, September 30, 2016

Design and Engineering 9/30/16

Parents and Friends of Sky Class,

We are still looking for parent volunteers who are able listen to children read on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings from 10:30-11:30.  There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in Sky Class. If you have the time to volunteer in this way, you will also need to get a background check. Contact Kai Barlow in the center building to initiate your background check. You can contact Kai at Below are images of Sky Class using their Design and Engineering skills to create a bridge using blocks and an index cards. Take a look and enjoy the long Fall Weekend! 
 Listening to Tom read a story about building bridges. 
 Trying to build a bridge with blocks and an index card. 
 Experimenting with which design works best. 
 How many bears can your bridge hold?

 How far apart can the blocks be before the bridge collapses? 