Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sky Votes!

On Wednesday Sky Class voted for their choices for the North Carolina Children's Book Awards for 2015-2016 picture books. Lower School Librarian Natalie introduced the students to the awards process a couple of months ago. Since then we have read the 10 nominees during story time in Sky Class. Students have also had a chance to look at and read the nominees during their weekly library time.

On Wednesday Natalie transformed Sky Class into a voting place, with ballots, voting booths, and a ballot box. After students voted for their choices, each got an "I Voted" sticker. Then we celebrated with popcorn.

Soon Natalie will let us know the results of the Sky vote. Once all of the Lower School votes, we will find out about those results. She will send our votes out to the state organization. In April we will hear the results of the statewide vote.