Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Money Centers

On Wednesday afternoons we've been using our math centers time to explore money. During this time students have practiced identifying coins by name and value, counting coins, using coins to make a given amount, making amounts in multiple ways and making change. We've practiced these skills using Jungle Coins on the iPads, playing coin memory, doing money sorts and more. The culminating activity was creating a shop and then going shopping at other student's shops. Each child had the chance to be a shopper and a shopkeeper.

The kids have really enjoyed the hands-on learning opportunities and have grown a lot in their knowledge of money. We encourage you to keep on practicing at home by having your children count money, make change and more. All students will complete a post-assessment after spring break because we will be starting a new unit on data and graphing during our math centers time. Our math centers units are different than our regular math group time. After spring break we will be studying time in our math groups.