The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is a special day in the lower school (and not just because it's a half day). Prior to that Wednesday each class prepares a food item to share with the entire lower school during a special outdoor snack on Wednesday. Sky class has historically made bread and this year we baked pumpkin bread (GF/DF), Amish Friendship bread and banana bread. Each math group made a different bread and all of the students practiced measuring ingredients and doubling recipes as they baked.
River class prepared vegetables for the shared snack, Mountain class prepared fruit and Forest class pressed apple cider, which was served warm and cold. It was really neat to go outside and see the Forest students pressing the apple cider.
Before we enjoyed our shared snack we had our weekly Meeting for Worship. Normally each class comes up with a query, which is then posed at every Meeting for Worship in a given month. For our Thanksgiving Meeting for Worship we suspended the current query and asked students to consider what they are grateful for instead. The Meeting for Worship was also held outdoors in the stone circle instead of in the multi. The students loved sitting around the warm fire as we all contemplated the abundance in all of our lives.
After Meeting for Worship teachers served students the snack that they had prepared. It was a wonderful day!