Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Halloween is a really special time here in the lower school. Kids started preparing on October 30th when Ruby Lou sponsored a 'Halloween Decoration Making' Center, which resulted in our haunted bathroom.

On the day of Halloween our Star of the Week treated us to a spooky song. He played 'Old McDonald Had a Ghost' on the piano. It was a big hit with his classmates.

We had a special Halloween themed math class where 1st years and 2nd years were paired up. The pairs were equipped had to travel around the room finding and solving Halloween word problems. At the end of math class we went outside for a hayride. Terry from the Shop used his tractor to pull us all around campus. Several students were shocked by how large campus is and many kids loved seeing the horses up behind the Upper School.

All three language groups were treated to special Halloween read-alouds in language groups, but most kids were counting down the minutes until lunch when costumes could come out. The kids loved having recess in their costumes.

At the end of recess we prepared for the Halloween parade. All lower school students, staff and community members lined up and marched all around campus. It was wonderful to have the Center staff, Middle School students and staff and Upper School students and staff cheer us on. After we returned from our parade, the staff scooted out to prepare for the Halloween Play, 'Too Much Noise' while parent volunteers kindly read to the kids. The Halloween Play was a huge hit and kids were mesmerized as staff members paraded around the stage as noisy animals.

At the end of the day we had our classroom party. Thank you so much to everyone who supported our class directly and indirectly on Halloween. It was an incredibly memorable day for the kids! Check out the video below for pictures from the day.