Monday, January 20, 2014

Bowls of Belief

This art activity began with students listening to the book When Clay Sings by Byrd Baylor.   Baylor invites us to think about the "small voice" that each piece of clay might have and what it might say.

Students then learned to make small coil bowls in the tradition of the ancient potters from the American Southwest. The bowls were bisque fired in the kiln and then fired a second time in a sawdust kiln to give the bowls a smoky coloring. 

Bisque Fired Bowls
Sawdust Firing Begins

In preparation for our Martin Luther King Day celebration, students also thought about something they believed in strongly enough that they would be willing to stand up for that belief and argue for it. These belief statements were placed in the bowls during the second firing to create the “bowls of belief” that you see here today. 
Bowls of Belief on Display in Lower School

Take a moment to read a belief statement and think about what your bowl of belief might say.

Students' Belief Statements:

I believe in using good words.

I believe that saying mean words is wrong.

I believe we should be kind with our hands and words.

I believe we should work to keep endangered animals alive.

I believe we should wait our turn instead of grabbing for something.

I believe people should step up for other people. 

I believe we should take care of the earth more often by picking up trash and recycling.

I believe all people are equal.

I believe that part of being a kid is believing in the magic of Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

I believe that white people and black people are the same.

I believe in leading a simple life.

I believe in people being a lot more kind to each other.

I believe in using your words when you are mad rather than fighting.

I believe in catching your mean words before you say them out loud.

I believe that everybody should be able to do what they want except hurting others.

I believe people should make things and give them away.

I believe in keeping your hands to yourself.

I believe that saying mean words is wrong.

I believe in being nice instead of being mean.

I believe in being nicer to animals and not killing them. 

I believe in being kinder to my friends and saying sorry when I need to.

I believe in saying sorry when you make a mistake.

I believe that animals killed for food need to be killed with respect.

I believe that my family can live together again.

I believe people should look for beauty in the things that they see.

I believe you should say only what you believe.

I believe that we can each believe what we want.

I believe that we can feel mad but we can’t be mean.

I believe in using good words.

I believe that we can help the earth with just our hands.

I believe in using kind words when angry.